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The goal of this website is to provide you — the reader and traveler — personable, accessible and easy to understand Travel health tips, Travel health news, and recommendations. We believe you should travel the world with confidence and the knowledge of how you can stay safe and healthy.

Travel Medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on preventing infectious diseases and staying well when traveling. Read more about Travel Medicine here.

Travel Medicine is pretty much for anyone who is traveling to a new destination. From children to adults, when going to a new area of the world, they would benefit from Travel Medicine to see what sorts of infectious diseases they could be at risk for. Prevention is key when it comes to staying healthy and safe while traveling.

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It depends on where you are going and what you will be doing! In general, you should already be up to date with your routine vaccines. Specific vaccines pertaining to travel will depend on your itinerary. Your itinerary will help determine your risks for certain diseases. That is why it is helpful to see a Travel Health Specialist or Health Provider prior to your trip to help you determine what you will be at risk for.

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